Friday, March 5, 2010

Google's SEO Backlink Changes

Google has made some changes to their system - and really, when are they not constantly tweaking and poking at themselves? If you've noticed a drop off in some of your site's traffic, or if you've even noticed a spike - and if you have then good for you! - then the new Google SEO and backlink changes may be what's affecting you.

Take a look at this video to learn what the changes are all about and what you can do to get started raising your PR rating and search engine ranking.

This video is by Michael Roberts, one of the creaters of Traffic Bug. I've been using Traffic Bug for about 4 months now and I have to say I love it. It's a program that does all your backlinking for you and it does it in a slow, methodical way so that it doesn't appear to be being done by anything but a human.

Need backlinks - especially after watching this video? Try out Traffic Bug.