Saturday, October 17, 2009

Logical Media Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate links

This is my newest, most favorite affiliate program. Unlike Commission Junction you do not have to apply and wait days and days and even more than two weeks (have had that happen with at least three programs) to see if you're accepted. And what if you need the link now rather than later? I've had that happen all too often. A video game affiliate link doesn't help if Video Game Appreciation Day is over - okay, so that's not a real holiday, but I think it should be.

Logical Media has only a few programs that you need to apply for and they get back to you very quickly about whether you were accepted. They will review your website(s) and approve each one to make sure you fit with their campaigns. Much more efficient and I love the campaigns they have.

Have a Website? Join Logical Media and generate easy income Click Here